Information and Products

Addressing the Disability Services Workforce Crisis of the 21st Century

American Network of Community Options and Resources 2017 2015 Median Annual Cost of Care In: Nursing Facilities:$91,250 Home Services*: $45,760 Adult Day Care*: $17,940 *Fall under the community services umbrella. Source: Kaiser Family Foundation Executive Summary Intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) services are contending with external market disruptions which severely affect workforce retention and recruitment and are …

Addressing the Disability Services Workforce Crisis of the 21st Century Read More »

Developing Culturally Responsive Approaches to Serving Diverse Populations: A Resource Guide for Community-Based Organizations

Michael López, Kerry Hofer, Erin Bumgarner, and Djaniele Taylor Cultural-Competence-Guide A changing population According to 2013 U.S. Census data: • 48 percent of children under the age of 18 were members of racial/ethnic groups other than nonHispanic white. • Of this group, Hispanics represented the largest racial/ethnic group (24 percent), followed by nonHispanic blacks (14 …

Developing Culturally Responsive Approaches to Serving Diverse Populations: A Resource Guide for Community-Based Organizations Read More »

EPSDT – A Guide for States: Coverage in the Medicaid Benefit for Children and Adolescents

JUNE 2014 Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic and Treatment (EPSDT) Available at Produced in collaboration with the National Health Law Program under subcontract to NORC at the University of Chicago EPSDT’s goal is to assure that individual children get the health care they need when they need it – the right care to the …

EPSDT – A Guide for States: Coverage in the Medicaid Benefit for Children and Adolescents Read More »

Ten Ways the Affordable Care Act Helps Older Adults and People with Disabilities

Source: Ten Ways the Affordable Care Act Helps Older Adults and People with Disabilities Executive Summary Ten Ways ACA Helps Older Adults NHeLP Senior Policy Analyst David Machledt  provides a succinct examination of the ways the Affordable Care Act is improving the lives of older adults and people with disabilities. For example, the ACA bars health …

Ten Ways the Affordable Care Act Helps Older Adults and People with Disabilities Read More »

Health Services in Schools: Medicaid and Special Education Services

Executive Summary This NHeLP fact sheet provides information about health services for children, under age of 21, in schools. Many of the services are provided in schools, and some these services are provided Medicaid and/or the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, or IDEA. DOWNLOAD PUBLICATION (IDEA – Health Services in Schools – 1 Pager) Source: Health …

Health Services in Schools: Medicaid and Special Education Services Read More »

What Makes Medicaid, Medicaid? — Access

By Abbi Coursolle, David Machledt, Wayne Turner Executive Summary In the fourth paper in our “What Makes Medicaid, Medicaid?” series, NHeLP experts explain the provisions and protections that ensure Medicaid beneficiaries gain access to quality health care services. Senior Attorney Abigail Coursolle, Senior Policy Analyst David Machledt, and Senior Attorney Wayne Turner write, “Medicaid is …

What Makes Medicaid, Medicaid? — Access Read More »

Disability Rights – National Health Law Program

Medicaid provides health coverage and protections for persons with physical, intellectual and developmental disabilities. NHeLP works with state health advocates and litigates when necessary to protect the rights of vulnerable persons, making sure persons with disabilities receive the care they need and are legally entitled to, as well as protecting their rights when care is …

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Success for Students and Nurses with Disabilities: A Call to Action for Nurse Educators

Marks, B. & McCulloh, K. (2016). Success for Students and Nurses with Disabilities: A Call to Action for Nurse Educators, Nurse Educator, 41(1), 9-12. doi: 10.1097/NNE.0000000000000212. This article presents a ‘‘call to action’’ for nurse educators to identify and implement best practices supporting the success of students with disabilities given recent federal legislative changes. Best …

Success for Students and Nurses with Disabilities: A Call to Action for Nurse Educators Read More »

Study finds $200 billion in avoidable health care costs | American Pharmacists Association

Source: Study finds $200 billion in avoidable health care costs | American Pharmacists Association June 21, 2013 Medication misuse, non-adherence, errors contribute to wasteful spending Health care costs caused by improper and unnecessary use of medications exceeded $200 billion in 2012, amounting to an estimated 10 million hospital admissions, 78 million outpatient treatments, 246 million …

Study finds $200 billion in avoidable health care costs | American Pharmacists Association Read More »

Medicaid Restructuring Under the American Health Care Act and Nonelderly Adults with Disabilities | The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation

Medicaid covers more than three in 10 non-elderly adults with disabilities, providing a broad range of medical and long-term care services that enable people with disabilities to live and work in the community. Source: Medicaid Restructuring Under the American Health Care Act and Nonelderly Adults with Disabilities | The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation Key …

Medicaid Restructuring Under the American Health Care Act and Nonelderly Adults with Disabilities | The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation Read More »

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