Virtual Coach: HealthMatters Program FAQs

Who can participate?

  1. What states can participate?
    The Program is open to all states in the USA. International applicants, please contact us directly.
  1. What is the age of participants with intellectual disabilities that can participate in the Program?
    The 12-week HealthMatters Program was tested with adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Even though it was not formally tested with school-aged children, it has been used in schools. We recommend that the program can be taught from Middle School and up.

Timeline and Timing of the Program

  1. When do we start 12-Week Virtual Coach: HealthMatters Program? 
    Be prepared to start your Virtual Coach: HealthMatters Program within 2 weeks of the webinar training. This will ensure that the staff trained retains information and maintains the momentum of the program and the training.

Technology capacity

  1. My school district does not use Google Classroom. Is there an alternative format for participation?
    At this time, Virtual Coach: HealthMatters Program uses Google Classroom to deliver virtual Lessons and physical activity videos. In order to participate you would need to have Gmail account and be able to access Google Classroom.

Staffing capacity

  1. How many staff can participate in the organization?
    We require at least 3-4 staff to create HealthMatters Program Team in your organization.

What will you get with the program?

  1. What is the cost to participate?
    Program is FREE of charge for the first 12 months.

Program details

  1. Is HealthMattersTM Program evidence-based program?
    Yes! HealthMattersTM Program and all of its components is an evidence-based Administration on Community Living (ACL) approved health promotion program designed specifically for and by the people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Click here to download a list of approved ACL programs.

    See citations below for peer reviewed research articles:

    Impact of the HealthMatters Train-the-Trainer Program on the Health and Health Behaviors of Staff Supporting Adults With Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. (Marks, Sisirak, Chang, & Murphy, 2019). Workplace Safety and Health 67(8):423-435. doi: 10.1177/2165079919828739.

    Efficacy of the HealthMatters program train-the-trainer model (Marks, Sisirak, and Chang, 2013). Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities 26(4):319-34. doi: 10.1111/jar.12045. (Randomized Controlled Trial)

    Attitudinal and psychosocial outcomes of a fitness and health education program on adults with down syndrome (Heller, Hsieh, & Rimmer, 2004). Am J Ment Retard 109(2):175-85. doi: 10.1352/0895-8017(2004)109<175:AAPOOA>2.0.CO;2. (Clinical Trial)

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