Learning with our Peers to Improve Our Health Behaviors (Evidence-based)
- HealthMessages Program Kit (12-week class).
- 90-minute Webinar
- Training for Peer Health Coaches (PHCs) (people with IDD) and Mentors.
- PHCs are leaders and educators who share HealthMessages with their peers.
- Mentors are support staff, friends, or family members of PHCs.
- Effectiveness of a HealthMessages Peer-to-Peer Program for People With Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (2019).
Beth Marks, Jasmina Sisirak, Rubia Magallanes, Kristin Krok, & Dina Donohue-Chase. Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. 2019 June 57(3):242-258. doi: 10.1352/1934-9556-57.3.242. - Research in Focus: A Weekly Digest of New Research from the NIDILRR Community. National Rehabilitation Information Center (NARIC)
HealthMessages™ Program Kit can be purchased as a “stand-alone” product. Training is optional.
Training Overview
The Peer to Peer HealthMessages™ Program is an evidence-informed program that includes a HealthMessages Program Kit and a 90-minute Webinar training for Healthy Lifestyle Coaches (HLCs) (people with intellectual and developmental disabilities) and their Mentors. The training is recommended for HLC/Mentor Team. HLCs are leaders and educators who share HealthMessages with their peers. Mentors are support staff, friends, or family members of HLCs. Mentors are trained in HealthMessages Program together with HLC and support them during HealthMessages classes for a 12-week period.
The HealthMessages™ Program Kit includes enough materials to run a class for 10 peers:
- HealthMessages Coaching Manual
- Booklets for 10 peers
- Wristbands for 10 peers
- Five posters
- Additional props
People with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities, and caregivers/support persons of individuals with disabilities.
Learning Objectives
During training, HLCs and their mentors learn about the Healthy Lifestyle Coaches: Coaching Manual and practice the 12 lessons to teach peers:
- Talk about how physical activity and drinking water can help our bodies,
- Talk about HealthMessages to be more physically active and drink more water,
- Become a Healthy Lifestyle Coach and/or a Mentor, and
- Run a 12-week HealthMessages Program for peers.
Off-Site Training:
- $280/HealthMessages Program Kit* (domestic shipping included).
- $75 Webinar* (free with purchase of 3 kits).
More Information
Jasmina Sisirak
[email protected]
*You do not need to attend the Webinar to purchase HealthMessages Program Kit.