
The Experience of and Outcomes for People with I/DD and Their Families in Managed Health Care: Lessons Learned

The Experience of and Outcomes for People with I/DD and Their Families in Managed Health Care: Lessons LearnedPresenters: Tamar Heller, PhD and Randall Owen, PhD RRTCDD 2016 Health and Wellness Series WebinarWebEx recording is available for viewing “The Experience of and Outcomes for People with I/DD and Their Families in Managed Health Care: Lessons Learned” …

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National Goals Conference: Self-Determination and Self-Advocacy Strand

National Goals in Research, Practice and Policy for and with People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Setting a National Agenda for Self-Determination and Self-Advocacy Research, Practice, and Policy In August 2015, a National Goals in Research, Policy, and Practice working meeting was held in Washington, DC to summarize the current state of knowledge and identify …

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National Goals Conference: Long Term Supports and Services Strand

National Goals in Research, Practice and Policy for and with People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Setting a National Agenda for Long Term Supports and Services Research, Practice, and Policy In August 2015, a National Goals in Research, Policy, and Practice working meeting was held in Washington, DC to summarize the current state of knowledge …

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National Goals Conference: Health and Wellness Strand

National Goals in Research, Practice and Policy for and with People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Setting a National Agenda for Health and Wellness Research, Practice, and Policy In August 2015, a National Goals in Research, Policy, and Practice working meeting was held in Washington, DC to summarize the current state of knowledge and identify …

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National Goals Conference: Families Strand

National Goals in Research, Practice and Policy for and with People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Setting a National Agenda for Family Research, Practice, and Policy In August 2015, a National Goals in Research, Policy, and Practice working meeting was held in Washington, DC to summarize the current state of knowledge and identify a platform …

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National Goals Conference: Aging Strand

National Goals in Research, Practice and Policy for and with People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Setting a National Agenda for Aging Research, Practice, and Policy In August 2015, a National Goals in Research, Policy, and Practice working meeting was held in Washington, DC to summarize the current state of knowledge and identify a platform …

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National League for Nursing Publishes Vision for Achieving Meaningful Inclusion in Nursing Education

National League for Nursing Publishes Vision for Achieving Meaningful Inclusion in Nursing Education Calls on Nursing Education Community to Lead Efforts to Expand Diversity Among Faculty and Students Achieving Diversity and Meaningful Inclusion in Nursing Education A Living Document from the National League for Nursing Download PDF February 2016

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