
Dr. Marks directs research programs to empower people with disabilities through health promotion, health advocacy, and primary health care.

Impact: Feature Issue on Aging and People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

Impact: Feature Issue on Aging and People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (Winter, 2010). Heller, T., Stafford, P.B., Davis, L.A. & Sedlezky, L. Institute on Community Integration (UCEDD) and the Research and Training Center on Community Living and Employment, College of Education and Human Development, University of Minnesota. Volume 23, Number 1. Offers fresh, practical, …

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Lessons Learned: Community Based Train the Trainer Health Promotion Programming for People with ID

Lessons Learned: Community Based Train the Trainer Health Promotion Programming for People with ID. Sisirak, J. & Marks, B. (2010). Abstracts of the Third International Conference of IASSID Europe, 20-22 October, 2010, Rome. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 23(5), 467.

Like Missing an Arm Should Stop Me Being a Nurse!

Like Missing an Arm Should Stop Me Being a Nurse!by Liz Perkins ABD, RNMHWhen I left high school I was like so many others – unsure of what I really wanted to be when I grew up. All through my school years I had never felt any different from my peers. But I was different …

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The Changes Life Brings

The Changes Life Brings!by Tewanna R. Cleveland Johnson, R.N.Growing up in a small country town, as a military dependent, I loved children.  I did not have to hold down a job because I babysat a lot.  By my sophomore year in high school, I decided to become a nurse. I loved learning about the body …

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Technical Standards Versus Essential Functions: Developing Disability-Friendly Policies for Nursing Programs

Technical Standards Versus Essential Functions: Developing Disability-Friendly Policies for Nursing Programsby Martha SmithWhat do technical standards mean for nursing?Under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, schools can, in fact, have technical standards. Technical Standards are all the non-academic requirements a students must have/meet to enter a program. For most health sciences programs, there are usually …

Technical Standards Versus Essential Functions: Developing Disability-Friendly Policies for Nursing Programs Read More »

PAC Mate Enables Blind Medical Student to Achieve her Ultimate Goal

Cooke, who at 40 is completing her last months’ studies at the National College of Naturopathic Medicine in Portland, chose naturopathy as her specialty because, “Naturopathy combines the prescription of (standard manufactured) drugs with natural remedies and emphasizes general diagnosis, the use of natural therapeutics and traditional medicine, and we work with diet, nutrition, life …

PAC Mate Enables Blind Medical Student to Achieve her Ultimate Goal Read More »

PAC Mate Enables Blind Medical Student to Achieve her Ultimate Goal

Portland, OregonIn a few months, the newest doctor – and one of the first doctors of her kind in the nation – will hang her shingle in the Portland, Oregon area. Chris L. Cooke will become one of the first totally blind doctors in the US with a specialty in naturopathic medicine. The new Dr. …

PAC Mate Enables Blind Medical Student to Achieve her Ultimate Goal Read More »

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