
Dr. Marks directs research programs to empower people with disabilities through health promotion, health advocacy, and primary health care.

What is a “Person Month” & How Do I Calculate It? | NIH Extramural Nexus

A “person month” is the metric for expressing the effort (amount of time) principal investigators (PIs), faculty and other senior personnel devote to a specific project. The effort is based on the type of appointment of the individual with the organization; e.g., calendar year (CY), academic year (AY), and/or summer term (SM); and the organization’s …

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Fitness facilities still lack accessibility for people with disabilities – Disability and Health Journal

James H. Rimmer, PhD, Sangeetha Padalabalanarayanan, Laurie A. Malone, PhD, Laurie A. Malone, Tapan Mehta Source: Fitness facilities still lack accessibility for people with disabilities – Disability and Health Journal Abstract Background Fitness facilities have potential to serve as places of ‘health enhancement’ for many underserved populations, particularly among people with physical/mobility disabilities where walking …

Fitness facilities still lack accessibility for people with disabilities – Disability and Health Journal Read More »

Improving hospital care of patients with intellectual and developmental disabilities – Disability and Health Journal

People with intellectual disabilities and developmental disabilities (IDD) face poorer care and outcomes when hospitalized than patients without IDD. A panel discussion “Hospital care for individuals with IDD: The Issues and Challenges” was held at the Annual Conference of the American Academy of Developmental Medicine and Dentistry, held in Chicago July 8–10, 2016. Among the …

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Preparing for Life After High School: Characteristics and Experiences of Youth in Special Education

Findings from the National Longitudinal Transition Study 2012. Volume 1: Comparisons with Other Youth (Full Report) Key Findings: Youth with an IEP are more likely than their peers to be socioeconomically disadvantaged and to face problems with health, communication, and completing typical tasks independently. The vast majority of youth with and without an IEP feel …

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Data-Driven, Cross-Sector, and Community-Led Transformation: Place-based Population Health

Toward Data-Driven, Cross-Sector, and Community-Led Transformation: Academy Health provides an overview of the findings including the who, the what and the how. Download Publication The Community Health Peer Learning Program (CHP), a partnership of AcademyHealth and the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC), conducted an environmental scan of multisector initiatives driving toward …

Data-Driven, Cross-Sector, and Community-Led Transformation: Place-based Population Health Read More »

How to Bounce Back – Aging with a Disability Factsheet Series

Source: How to Bounce Back | Rehabilitation Research and Training Center on Aging With Physical Disabilities How to Bounce Back – Aging with a Disability Factsheet Series Jump to Section: What Is Resilience? How Do People Cope with Disabilities as They Age? What Makes Us Resilient? How Can You Build up Your Resilience? Resources and References …

How to Bounce Back – Aging with a Disability Factsheet Series Read More »

DSP Crisis is Profound: New Report on the Impact of Quality Services for People with IDD

ANCOR Announces the Release of Its Workforce Paper Source: ANCOR Announces the Release of Its Workforce Paper | ANCOR | American Network of Community Options and Resources Community-based services to people with intellectual and developmental disabilities are facing one of the most major and growing workforce crises in the United States labor market.  Which is …

DSP Crisis is Profound: New Report on the Impact of Quality Services for People with IDD Read More »

No Wrong Door No Wrong Door Systems (Aging and Disability Resource Centers)

No Wrong Door Source: No Wrong Door This paper provides concrete examples of how seven No Wrong Door Systems—sometimes called Aging and Disability Resource Centers—are promoting person- and family-centered practice. No Wrong Door Systems involve an array of organizations including Area Agencies on Aging, Centers for Independent Living, and state agencies such as Medicaid agencies …

No Wrong Door No Wrong Door Systems (Aging and Disability Resource Centers) Read More »

County Health Rankings & Roadmaps

Source: County Health Rankings & Roadmaps The annual Rankings provide a revealing snapshot of how health is influenced by where we live, learn, work and play. They provide a starting point for change in communities. Choose a state from the map to begin. The County Health Rankings & Roadmaps program helps communities identify and implement …

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