Information and Products

Limited PCORI Funding Announcement: Dissemination and Implementation of PCORI

Research Dissemination and Implementation Award Letter of Intent (LOI) Deadline February 14, 2017 Application Deadline May 17, 2017 Total Direct Costs  $350,000 This Notice encourages PCORI awardees and their patient and stakeholder partners with strategic plans for disseminating and implementing the research results of their PCORI comparative, clinical effectiveness research (CER) awards to consider applying …

Limited PCORI Funding Announcement: Dissemination and Implementation of PCORI Read More »

AHRQ Health Services Research Demonstration and Dissemination Grants (R18)

R18 Research Demonstration and Disseminations Projects  May 25, 2017 The Research Demonstration and Dissemination Grant (R18) is an award made by AHRQ to an institution/organization to support a discrete, specified health services research project. The project will be performed by the named investigator and study team. The R18 research plan proposed by the applicant institution/organization …

AHRQ Health Services Research Demonstration and Dissemination Grants (R18) Read More »

Dissemination and Implementation Research in Health (R01)

R01 Research Project Grant  June 5, 2017 This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) encourages investigators to submit research grant applications that will identify, develop, test, evaluate and/or refine strategies to disseminate and implement evidence-based practices (e.g. behavioral interventions; prevention, early detection, diagnostic, treatment and disease management interventions; quality improvement programs) into public health, clinical practice, and …

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Rehabilitation Engineering Research Centers (RERCs) Program: RERC on Health, Exercise, and Recreation

Deadline: April 6, 2017 Award Ceiling: $925,000 Purpose of Program: The purpose of the RERC program is to improve the effectiveness of services authorized under the Rehabilitation Act by conducting advanced engineering research on and development of innovative technologies that are designed to solve particular rehabilitation problems or to remove environmental barriers. RERCs also demonstrate …

Rehabilitation Engineering Research Centers (RERCs) Program: RERC on Health, Exercise, and Recreation Read More »

Lessons in Increasing Access to Care: Symposium at Rush brings together disability and health care leaders By Kevin McKeough, Anne Burgeson & Kathleen Ziemer Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan observed that “at almost any moment, any of us could be living with a disability, whether through our life circumstances or as we age. This is an issue that is personal to all of us, whether we realize it our not.” Madigan …

Lessons in Increasing Access to Care: Symposium at Rush brings together disability and health care leaders Read More »

Lessons in Increasing Access to Care: Symposium at Rush brings together disability and health care leaders By Kevin McKeough, Anne Burgeson and Kathleen Ziemer Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan observed that “at almost any moment, any of us could be living with a disability, whether through our life circumstances or as we age. This is an issue that is personal to all of us, whether we realize it our not.” …

Lessons in Increasing Access to Care: Symposium at Rush brings together disability and health care leaders Read More »

White Paper on Inclusion of Students with Disabilities in Nursing Educational Programs for the California Committee on Employment of People with Disabilities (CCEPD)

Marks, B. & Ailey, S. (2014). White Paper on Inclusion of Students with Disabilities in Nursing Educational Programs for the California Committee on the Employment of People with Disabilities. Chicago, IL. Featured on The American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) website: Accommodating Students with Disabilities ( A White Paper on Inclusion of Students with …

White Paper on Inclusion of Students with Disabilities in Nursing Educational Programs for the California Committee on Employment of People with Disabilities (CCEPD) Read More »

Supporting Nurses and Nursing Students with Disabilities

Supporting Nurses and Nursing Students with DisabilitiesNeal-Boylan, Leslie PhD, RN, APRN, CRRN, FAAN; Marks, Beth PhD, RN; McCulloh, Karen J. BSN, RNAJN, American Journal of Nursing: October 2015 – Volume 115 – Issue 10 – p 11Federal agencies and nursing organizations say it’s high time to put aside preconceptions.Nursing students and nurses with disabilities face …

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Registered Nurses With Disabilities: Legal Rights and Responsibilities

Registered Nurses With Disabilities: Legal Rights and ResponsibilitiesLeslie Neal-Boylan, PhD, APRN, CRRN, FAAN& Michelle D. Miller, JD, MPH, RN AbstractPurpose: The purpose of this legal case review and analysis was to determine what kinds of cases involving nurses with disabilities are typically brought to attorneys, which cases tend to be successful, and how and when …

Registered Nurses With Disabilities: Legal Rights and Responsibilities Read More »

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