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“Bite Sized” Exercises and Discussion Prompts to Reinforce Culture

Source: “Bite Sized” Exercises and Discussion Prompts to Reinforce Culture Below is a collection of discussion prompts and exercises designed to engage the hearts and minds of all members of the team in the practice patient-centered transformation effort. These exercises are designed to be concise enough to be incorporated into brief huddles or team meetings. …

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Questions to ask your doctor about patient-centered care

Source: Patient-Centered Primary Care Collaborative (PCPCC) Questions to ask your doctor about patient-centered care Sample questions: What type of information will you provide to me about my condition and treatment options? Will you provide me with decision aids that will help me to make the best individualized care decisions? Am I able to access a …

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Improving Your Person and Family Engagement Metrics in TCPI | Patient-Centered Primary Care Collaborative

Source: Improving Your Person and Family Engagement Metrics in TCPI | Patient-Centered Primary Care Collaborative The Patient Centered Primary Care Collaborative Support and Alignment Network (PCPCC SAN) was created to assist staff and leaders in Practice Transformation Networks, along with enrolled clinicians, to successfully transform their practices to deliver person and family centered care. In …

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Increasing physical activity among adults with disabilities

Doctors and other health professionals can use these steps in the Infographic for Increasing Physical Activity among Adults with Disabilities to recommend aerobic physical activity options that match each person’s specific abilities and connect him or her to resources that can help each person be physically active.

What Would Happen If Health Care in Your State Improved? – The Commonwealth Fund

This interactive tool shows the health care gains your state could achieve by improving its performance on measures of access, quality, and health outcomes. The tool draws on data from the 2015 Commonwealth Fund Scorecard on State Health System Performance. Source: What Would Happen If Health Care in Your State Improved? – The Commonwealth Fund …

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Eugene Washington PCORI Engagement Awards

The healthcare research process traditionally includes only scientists and other research-related professionals. PCORI believes that engagement of nontraditional stakeholders—from topic selection through design and conduct of research to dissemination of results—can influence research to be more patient centered, useful, and trustworthy, and ultimately lead to greater use of research results by patients and the broader …

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RWJF Health Data for Action

RWJF Health Data for Action – The HD4A program will fund innovative research that uses the available data to answer important research questions. Applicants under this Call for Proposals (CFP) will write a proposal for a research study using data from either the Health Care Cost Institute (HCCI) or athenahealth. Successful applicants will be provided with access to these data, which …

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NICHD Exploratory/Developmental Research Grant (R21)

PA-17-259 The NICHD Exploratory/Developmental Grant program supports exploratory and developmental research projects that fall within the NICHD mission by providing support for the early and conceptual stages of these projects. These studies may involve considerable risk but may lead to a breakthrough in a particular area, or to the development of novel techniques, agents, methodologies, …

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CDC’s Built Environment & Health Initiative Saves Lives & Money

The way we design & build our communities affects our health. CDC works with local & state partners to create healthy communities that provide safe & convenient opportunities for people to walk, bike, & use public transit. View Built Environment & Health Initiative Saves Infographic Poorly designed communities are dangerous & costly. Healthy community design …

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Atlas on the Primary Care of Adults with Developmental Disabilities in Ontario

Download: Atlas on the Primary Care of Adults with Developmental Disabilities in Ontario Source: ICES Lunsky Y, Klein-Geltink JE, Yates EA, editors. December 2013 The Issue Ontario’s Action Plan for Health Care focuses on becoming healthier, with improved access to integrated family/primary care and a major emphasis on the provision of the right care at the right time …

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