
Dr. Marks directs research programs to empower people with disabilities through health promotion, health advocacy, and primary health care.

NICHD Exploratory/Developmental Research Grant (R21)

PA-17-259 The NICHD Exploratory/Developmental Grant program supports exploratory and developmental research projects that fall within the NICHD mission by providing support for the early and conceptual stages of these projects. These studies may involve considerable risk but may lead to a breakthrough in a particular area, or to the development of novel techniques, agents, methodologies, …

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Social Support Networks of Aging Persons with Intellectual Disabilities

Download Presentation (PDF): Social Support Networks of Aging Persons with Intellectual Disabilities Play Recording Presented by: Lieke van Heumen, PhD This webinar will discuss emerging research and practice in supporting social networks of adults aging with intellectual disabilities. After a brief introduction on aging in this population, the webinar will discuss the role of social relations …

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CDC’s Built Environment & Health Initiative Saves Lives & Money

The way we design & build our communities affects our health. CDC works with local & state partners to create healthy communities that provide safe & convenient opportunities for people to walk, bike, & use public transit. View Built Environment & Health Initiative Saves Infographic Poorly designed communities are dangerous & costly. Healthy community design …

CDC’s Built Environment & Health Initiative Saves Lives & Money Read More »

Great Big Story : How a Doctor Without Legs Treats Patients in Her Mountain Village

Since she was a young girl, Li Juhong dreamed of becoming a doctor. Then, at 4 years old, she lost her legs in a tragic and painful accident. But that experience didn’t weaken Juhong’s resolve; rather, it drove her to help others in pain. Now, the 38-year-old is one of two doctors responsible for around …

Great Big Story : How a Doctor Without Legs Treats Patients in Her Mountain Village Read More »

Atlas on the Primary Care of Adults with Developmental Disabilities in Ontario

Download: Atlas on the Primary Care of Adults with Developmental Disabilities in Ontario Source: ICES Lunsky Y, Klein-Geltink JE, Yates EA, editors. December 2013 The Issue Ontario’s Action Plan for Health Care focuses on becoming healthier, with improved access to integrated family/primary care and a major emphasis on the provision of the right care at the right time …

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Revised ACA Repeal and Replace Bill Likely to Increase the Uninsured Rate and Health Insurance Costs for Many

House Republicans are close to agreeing on an amended version of the American Health Care Act, their proposed repeal and replacement of the Affordable Care Act. David Blumenthal, M.D., and Sara Collins say that, based on the summaries circulated by the media, the revised bill will significantly increase the numbers of uninsured Americans while raising …

Revised ACA Repeal and Replace Bill Likely to Increase the Uninsured Rate and Health Insurance Costs for Many Read More »


CompareMaine shows the average cost of common healthcare procedures at different facilities in Maine. You can also see patient experience ratings and how Maine hospitals compare on patient safety. Source: CompareMaine more information. better decisions. Compare Costs of Healthcare Procedures and Quality of Care Across Maine The Maine Health Data Organization, in collaboration with the …

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Breaking Stereotypes: Spotlight on Male Family Caregivers

In the United States, family caregivers are the backbone for the delivery of supportive services for individuals with a chronic, disabling, or serious health condition. 40 percent of family caregivers of adults are men—which equates to 16 million male family caregivers in the United States. Source: Breaking Stereotypes: Spotlight on Male Family Caregivers They identify, arrange, …

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Research Brief: Family Caregiver Support for People with IDD

The 2010 Family and Individual Needs for Disability Support Survey (FINDS) conducted by The Arc (2011) shows that family caregivers play a critical role in providing supports to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD). Source: Research Brief: Family Caregiver Support for People with IDD | Family Support Research and Training Center This databrief describes …

Research Brief: Family Caregiver Support for People with IDD Read More »

Mainstream health professionals’ stigmatising attitudes towards people with ID: a systematic review

Source: Pelleboer-Gunnink – 2017 – Journal of Intellectual Disability Research – Wiley Online Library Abstract Background Equal access to mainstream healthcare services for people with intellectual disabilities (ID) still requires attention. Although recent studies suggest that health professionals hold positive attitudes towards people with ID, stigmatising attitudes may influence their efforts to serve people with …

Mainstream health professionals’ stigmatising attitudes towards people with ID: a systematic review Read More »

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