State Employment First Policies: Research to Practice State

This brief is the first in a series focusing on Employment First implementation as it relates to one of the seven elements within the High-Performing States in Integrated Employment model1. It examines the background of circumstances under which Employment First efforts began in seven states, and introduces each state’s values, mission, and goals around increasing employment opportunities for people with disabilities. States may use the lessons in this brief to develop an Employment First policy, or to evolve existing efforts.

Download State Definitions, Goals, and Values By Jennifer Bose and Jean E. Winsor

Source: ThinkWork 

ThinkWork is a research and training center focused on advancing employment for individuals with intellectual/ developmental disabilities (IDD). ThinkWork has published this brief as the first in a series of briefs on the implementation of Employment First policies. The principles of Employment First state that individuals with IDD can perform work, should should be paid at minimum or prevailing wage rates for this work, and that providing work-specific supports should be the top support priority.

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