Using Assistive Technology to Maximize Function in Older Adults with Developmental Disabilities

Using Assistive Technology to Maximize Function in Older Adults with Developmental Disabilities (2002), Alvarez, T., Desi-Thalji, M., Wang, J., Budraja, S., Sundar, V. & Malik, C.

This training curriculum provides information and resources on how assistive technologies (AT) and environmental interventions (EI) can address age related changes in function for older adults with I/DD in every day contexts of the home, workplace, and community. The curriculum’s seven modules cover: basic AT-EI products and terminologies; seating, positioning, and mobility; sensory issues; gross and fine motor functioning; communication, cognition, and learning; and the AT_EI delivery process and funding. The training package contains a scripted instructor’s guide and power point slides for the seven modules. It was designed for professionals, para-professionals, and families. The content can be tailored to a 2-hour workshop or multiple sessions.

COST PER UNIT: $65.00 + Shipping

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